Every Individual
Deserves the Chance
to Play Baseball
The Miracle League of Manasota is an affiliate of the National Miracle League Association, joining more than 200 communities around the world that are providing opportunities for differently-abled children and adults to play baseball. Since its founding in 1998, more than 305 specially surfaced fields have been built or are under construction. Miracle Leagues serve more than 200,000 individuals with special needs. DONATE TODAY
Who We Are
The mission of the Miracle League of Manasota is to share the love of baseball with children, teens, and adults with disABILITIES.
It's through the generous support of our partnerships and sponsors that we've been able to thrive as a non-profit organization, develop the Miracle League of Manasota and bring it to the community.
Local community volunteers and generous companies allow The Miracle League of Manasota to operate and even exceed our mission. Stop by for one of our amazing Saturday games to see what we're all about!